Congratulating Book Writing Clinic Alumni Authors


Book writing is not for the faint of heart. So, I dedicate this post to BWC alumni members who have made their stories available to the world. Congratulations on bracing the tape with your published book. It’s tough to become a published author. It’s tougher still to become a New York Times or Wall Street Journal best-selling author. You’re inching gradually towards the ultimate prize. Congratulations for your dedication and hard work. Book writing is not easy but you made it happen.

Now that your book is done and dusted, treat it as an investment. The end of one book should be the beginning of your next book. Remember, you need to write five to seven books for the needle to start moving in your favour. More importantly, market your book with all you’ve got. As I always say, writing is the easy part, marketing is a harder nut to crack. If you don’t market your book, no one will care. Get your book(s) on Amazon, Lulu, Selar, B&N, Jaico, D2D, Ingrams, your website, and many others. Tut your horn because no one will tut for you. As Seth Godin likes saying, pick yourself because no one else will pick you.

Avoid the lone wolf syndrome. Ask for help. Eschew pride. Even after attending BWC, join book clubs and attend more clinics; attend book seminars, webinars and workshops. Learn everything you need to learn about the book industry. Remember, your book is not an end; it’s a means to an end. Join BWC and iBMC premium. It’s not optional. However, you decide. Together, we make a great team. Alone you’re an orphan.

Internet and Social Media means networking and socializing. The internet operates on the principle of the law of large numbers. The person with the biggest network wins. Social media means socializing with your target audience. The more frequent you socialize, the better. Choose the platforms you’re comfortable with. Start with Facebook because anybody can do Facebook. Likely all your friends hang out on Facebook.

Also consider Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, TikTok, YouTube and your Podcast. Get on radio, TV. Get your website up and running. But don’t overstretch it. Rather concentrate on one, two or three media channels and dominate them as much as you can. Start small and end big. Small drops make a mighty ocean as they say. Again remember, it’s not really about you, it’s about your book. What’s the central message of your book? Develop or create what the speech guru, Pat Quinn, calls a signature talk around your book

If your book is in the making, push harder to get it out fast. Don’t wait until it’s perfect. If you’ve written a book and it’s not in BWC’s published list yet, get it on Amazon fast.  In the interim, send me the front cover fast via email or WhatsApp.

Don’t miss Book Writing Clinic (BWC) if you have not attended one yet. BWC is an unforgettable experience. If you have attended BWC and you’ve not written your book after three years, attend again. The reason is this, the environment changes so fast, what was trendy yesterday may be out of fashion today.

Register for my monthly free Book Virtual Live Webinar. There is one billed for 3rd June. Others are my paid Book Marketing Workshop (BMW) and Book Writing Clinic (BWC). BMW and BWC Lagos are billed for 10th and 17th June respectively. BWC Abuja and Owerri are billed for July 2023 and for other parts of the country in 2024. If you can’t make it to Lagos, Abuja or Owerri, rest assure BWC will soon be holding in your neighbourhood.

I will be dedicating the entire second half of 2023 to marketing books by BWC Alumni Members. So make sure your book is in my list as we kickoff the campaign. As I can’t serve everyone at the same time, terms and conditions (TAC) apply.

Move, because when you move, heavens move. But move purposefully because writing a book is not the easiest of endevours. You have the writing aspect, writer’s block, manuscript production, line editing, content editing, formatting, and cover designs to contend with. You also have your signature talk, Amazon, Amazon KDP and a host of other moving parts to grapple with. So, get help if you want a smooth journey. Start with Book Writing Clinic (BWC). Click this link to join the next BWC:

I began by congratulating BWC alumni members that made book writing their battle cry and published their books. I want to end by congratulating you in advance as you begin the journey to becoming a published author.

Related posts:

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The Top 8 Myths About Book Writing

Best regards,


Creator BWC & iSchool


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