Burn Your Bridge And Never Look Back


My coach once asked me, “What’s your biggest headache right now.” I wasted no time in giving it to him: lack of money.

He asked me to reframe it. I was angry with his seeming insensitivity. Reframe what? I thought. My challenge was lack of money.

Being a kind man, he was patient and didn’t mind the scowl on my face. He made me understand that lack of money was a symptom.

He wanted me to dig further to uncover the cause of my “lack of money”. He made me understand, I needed to change my “ways.”

Why continue doing the things that were not working – yielding you little or no money? There is a cause and effect relationship in life he reminded me.

If I needed money, I needed to focus on things that would bring me tons of money fast and forsake everything else.

That was the origin of “burn your bridge and never look back.” The decision to burn my bridge and never look back led me to reinvent myself.

As Tony Robbins said, “It’s our decisions and not our conditions that determine our future.”

So if you want to succeed long term, decide what you really want, burn all your bridges and go for it.

One of my billionaire friends once told me earlier in his entrepreneurship journey he lost all his money and his business collapsed. He took a decision that took him back to the top. It’s not your condition that makes you, its your decisions.

I was really sad when I launched iBMC-1. Despite the fact that it yielded me N1.25mm during the COVID-19 lock down, I was sad after the initial enthusiasm.

Why so Paul, you ask? Because the majority of my students never really gave iBMC-1 their undivided attention even after they paid hard cash for it.

But I’m not alone. Here are some shocking online stats for you:

  • About 30% of subscribers who purchase an online course will ask for a refund within 30 days because they get overwhelmed and want to quit.
  • About 20% of students won’t even login to watch the first lesson, because they get distracted with other stuff.
  • Less than 1 out of 10 students will ever do a single homework assignment.
  • Less than 1 out of 100 will get the promised outcome, even if your course is excellent.

With the above statistics in mind, I’m committed to making iBMC-2 the exception.

You see, you cannot buy experience off the shelf. I’ve been at it long enough.

You may be asking how are you going to make iBMC-2 different?

Here are the three other questions that are bothering you right now:

  • Will it really work?
  • How long will it take to yield result?
  • What if it doesn’t work?

This is how I’m going to make it different.

Admission to iBMC-2 is going to be very selective. I’d rather work with one student hungry for success than 25 who are unwilling to burn their bridge and never look back.

Next, iBMC-2 is designed on “Love It Or Leave It” basis, with multiple WOW Experience moments build in to see candidates through the first 30 days that are so crucial for success.

Once your Confidence goes through the roof, your Commitment to iBMC will  become unstoppable. Nothing can stop you once you’re committed.

Plus, we guarantee that you’ll make your first $2,000 (about N920K) before the 12 weeks are over.

If you do all the assignments, reach all the clearly designated milestones and still don’t hit your $2,000 mark, you can call in my 100% refund Guarantee.

Truly, only the meek will inherit the earth. It’s time to stoop to conquer. Forget everything you know about online business (landing pages, funnels, etc). Forget about your PhD, MBA, MSc., BSc., HND, and PGD.

Build your business from the ground up and not from the top down. Using my Internet Business Success Formula you can’t go wrong.

After learning for 7 years, spending over $7,500 (N3.45m in today’s money), and with the experience garnered from iBMC-1, you can bet your farm on iBMC-2.

iBMC-2 is open, and admission closes 24th October. Sign up because there are only 20 spots left. You’ll be admitted if you qualify.

Here is the link to register.

To help those with no immediate cash I’ve made the payment terms very flexible. Here are the payment terms: N75K (one installment), N45K (in two installments), and three installments of N35K (total N105K).

Here is the link to register.

One of my iBMC-1 students said “iBMC is a game changer.” Another said, “iBMC is a Master Class.”

There is 100% Money-back Guarantee so you have nothing to lose.

You can register using this link.

See you on the other side.

Warm regards,

–> Paul Uduk
Author, Speaker, Coach
Creator iBMC & BWC
T: +234-8033075133
E: pauluduk@gmail.com
W: www.pauluduk.com/page 

PS: Do you feel  iBMC is “below you?” Sponsor a relative.

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