Build Your Expert Empire Help And Challenge Bonanza 2021


If you’re broke, eking out a living, and living hand-to-mouth, it means your cash generating ability is weak.

It could also mean you don’t know what to do to generate income in this hard time.

My internet Biz Mastery Course used to be N75K, it’s now N125K, and you can get it online for $290.

iBMC-3 kicked-off on 27th February with 29 eager students. Why didn’t you register?

If you prefer to remain broke it’s your choice but if you wish to take action to become a millionaire I can help you.

Yes, life is tough. The crumbs that used to fall from the table of the Aryans are no more.

My brother Trainers are charging N1K,  N2K, N5K begging day and night for emaciated candidates to register for their info-loaded Webinars but I’m charging N75K and above for Courses that will turn you from a pauper to a millionaire.

One way to become a millionaire is to write a book. I’ve written seven. As good a cash-cow as a book is,  it takes a long time to put cash in your pocket.

To help as many of my friends as possible I’m conducting a Paid Online Webinar and Live Seminar on HOW TO BUILD AN EXPERT EMPIRE. Each will show you how to make at least N1mm monthly. It’s part of my Easter Help And Challenge Bonanza.

Yes I’m Challenging you to take the bull by the horn and become a millionaire. You can only make it BIG if something new gets into you or something old goes out of you.

 STOP Procrastinating and take your destiny into your own hands because God helps those who trust in Him and also help themselves.

I made more money during the lockdown than I made in the whole of 2019. You can do the same if you allow me to show you.

I’m going to show you exactly what you need to do step-by- step, no fluff. Ninety days after the training you’ll make your first one million Naira, I promise. If you don’t,

I will bring down my website. Joking.

When I launched my HOW EXPERTS BUILD EMPIRE IN 2013 I charged N25K and 35 people registered. And to tell you the truth, I did not know my left from my right then.

In 2017 I launched it again and the fee shot up to N120K. I had fewer students but I made 20 times more money and it revolutionized my understanding on how to make money in the Experts Industry.

 And you can copy exactly what I do. You can even take my scripts and Course Outlines word for word. But you don’t need to because I’ll show you how to develop your IP (Intellectual Property) portfolio.

In fact, I’ll  sit down with you and we’ll create it together.

I’m not interested in the lazy. I’m not interested in laggards. I’m not interested in procrastinators. I’m not interested in those who cannot prioritize. I’m not interested in money pinchers. I’m not interested in those who prefer to be penny wise and pound foolish.

I’m only interested in those who are willing to pay any price to take the leap to millionaire status by starting to build their Expert Empire.

Your profession is immaterial. Your experience is immaterial. What matters is the willingness and the determination to look your situation in the face and say enough is enough. I’ve been there.

If you want to move from Zero to N1mm monthly and then learn how to scale to N10mm and even N100mm this is your chance. For your information, N100mm is just $200,000.

If you’re ready to move from Zero to Hero, BUILD YOUR EXPERT EMPIRE: Easter Help And Challenge Bonanza is for you.

Build Your Expert Empire Help And Challenge Bonanza is on Saturday, April 17th, Online and Live. Anybody in the world can log in to the Online Event while the Live Event will be held in Lagos.

 If your next question is Paul, How Much? Then the event is not for you.

I’m only interested in those who raise their hands and say Paul I’m willing to pay any price to attend.

If you’re not interested, go to YouTube and Coursera and watch free videos and participate in free Courses. By the way, there are excellent ones out there.

However, if you want me to hold you by the hand and show you how to start making real money and building an Expert Empire from scratch from the knowledge you already have, this is your chance.

You may say you’re not an Expert. No, you are. All you need is to Organize your Expertise and Package it and Position yourself as someone worth listening to.

You’ll create more IMPACT, INFLUENCE, and INCOME.  Would that not be beautiful?

Mark Saturday, April 17th, in your calendar. Talk again soon.

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