Are you or is your business online?


As a form of feedback, if you asked me, “Paul, Why am I not succeeding online?”

I would say, because you’re not ONLINE.

Having a website, social media accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and so on doesn’t necessarily mean you’re Online.

Okay, you’re Online but you’ll not succeed in making money just yet.

Yesterday, I had a chat with a long lost friend; and when I asked her if her business was Online, she said capital “Yes.”

She even sent me a screenshot where her business was featured on TVC (Television Continental).

Then she added, she was waxing strong on Instagram.

I always thought that way until my mentor, Paul Stryer, gently pointed me in the right direction.

Paul Stryer told me I needed to take my Courses “Online” if I wanted bigger results.

I was shocked because I thought I had it all figured out.

How wrong I was.

So if you want to succeed Online, do things that would make potential customers discover you, transact business with you, and pay you, with little or no manual processes in between.

If you go to Amazon to buy a Kindle for instance, or any other thing for that matter, you’d log in to your account, order what you want to buy, put it on the shopping cart, check out, pay, and you’re done.

That’s doing business Online.

That’s being ONLINE.

I’m sure what you do now is to go to WhatsApp to chat with friends, post some funny pictures on Instagram, run a webinar on Facebook, send emails to your mailing list, tweet on Twitter, upload a pithy article on LinkedIn and then upload yet more articles on your website.

You’re working your ass off, but are those things really putting cash in your bank account?

What you’re really doing are some of the front-end activities that make people notice you – if you’re lucky.

However, to scale up massively, you need to also work on your back-end – where you discipline yourself to setup your business e.g. the Courses you run, end-to-end Online so your target audience can see them, subscribe and pay you.

With that done, you’ll soon hear Kai Ching in your bank account.

So this is what I want you to do right now.

Drop whatever you’re doing immediately and head over to

Sign up for the “FREE PLAN.”

Test drive it.

By that I mean learn how to use the site.

VONZA is an all-in-one platform for doing a lot of things online.

You can create your website right on Vonza, you can send out and receive emails, you can build a list.

You’ll enjoy Vonza when you become an Online Guru.

But don’t go it alone.

Look for a coach, trainer, or mentor.

I can help you.

I hope this helps.


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