Are You Learning To Do Business Profitably Online? Part 2



Yesterday we begun the argument on the absolute necessity for you to find a way to generate income online. Today we continue the discussion.

When we talk about being online the first thing that comes to mind is social media, in particular, Facebook. You hear people say “I’m on Facebook”.

As I earlier mentioned, the consideration here is about doing business and generating income online and not amusement.

Facebook is one of the platforms you can leverage to earn money online but 99.99% of people on Facebook don’t know how to use Facebook to generate income. They are there to entertain and amuse themselves.

Other platforms are Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and a host of others. Each of these sites or platforms have their own uses and specific features you can leverage to grow your business. Yet the great majority of people on them are there to entertain and amuse themselves.

In the case of LinkedIn, many professionals are there to sell themselves for hourly pay. That is, they are there to trade their time for money. That is not what we are talking about here. We are taking about leveraging these platforms to generate income.

What you need to understand is that when it comes to internet business, one of the most prized assets is your mailing list.

One of the key uses to which you can put the social media platforms such as Facebook and others is to use them to attract prospects that you can turn into your customers if you really know what to do.

By so doing, you turn your social media handles into assets that can generate income for you.

In the next episode tomorrow, we look at the categories of businesses you can do online to make not just money but big money. Stay tuned.

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