*An Open Message to BWC & iBMC Alumni Members Worldwide*


1. Have you attended BWC and you have no book to show for it?

2. Have you written a book or two and they are not flying off the shelf because you don’t know how to market?

3. Have you attended iBMC and are at a loss how to implement what you learned?

4. Do you feel confused and overwhelmed because there is so much to do and you don’t know where and how to begin?

5. Do you underestimate the value of being a BWC and/or iBMC Alumni Member so you rather operate as a lone wolf?

6. Do you consider what the so called Coach is dishing out is bunkum because it can’t work in Nigeria?

7. Do you believe all *The Coach* cares about is to chop money from Alumni Members by creating *Premium Members*, *Inner Circle Members*, *N100M CLUB* and all whatnot?

If you have these ideas swirling around your head and mind, you’re not alone.

I used to think that way when I started out about 15 years ago.

The first program I bought was in 2009 and it cost $30. It was by Marcia Weirder. Marcia runs Dream University. I was a Bank Big Boy then.

I was kicked out in 2010 for daring to write the book, *Bridges to the Customer’s Heart*, now referred to as The Customer Service Bible.

In 2012 or thereabout, I bought *PRIMO* *eBusiness Bootcamp* by Tom Hua for $4500.

It had 12 video lessons and promised Heaven on Earth. But I didn’t understand an iota of what they were talking about.

In between I’ve bought courses, programs, and books from over 50 gurus, including Russell Brunson, Daniel Priestly, Seth Godin, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Alex Hormozi, and  Brendon Burchard, the *#1 Online Trainer in the world*. They cost hundreds of Dollars.

Shortly before COVID-19 hit, I bought *I Will Teach You To Be Rich* for from Ramit Sethi $1,997.

Ramit is the author of the book by the same name. He was once featured alongside Warren Buffett (The Oracle at Omaha) in Fortune and Forbes magazines.

You can read about the gurus I’ve learned from in the *Paul Uduk Case Study* and my book, *The Perennial Winner*.

As part of my learning curve, I even got someone to help me do a YouTube video in 2010.  He charged me N500,000.

I thought the video would make me an overnight YouTube millionaire. To date it has less than 500 views.

I’m I writing all these to brag I’m a money bag?

Not at all.

What changed the game for me was COVID-19 LOCKDOWN.

Everyone started learning about *Zoom*.

One day, Ecobank, in Benin Republic, sent me a Zoom link to join a meeting.

I didn’t know where to click. I didn’t know what was Meeting ID and Passcode. It was shameful. I felt frustrated.

Then my web master showed me how easy it was. Unbelievably easy.

Then Prof. Oyewole miraculously appeared and asked me to *teach internet marketing*.

I declined. I told Prof. I couldn’t do it. I told Prof. I didn’t know anything about internet marketing.

But Prof. told me, I’ve been seeing what you have been writing.


What had I been writing?

I’d met Prof. Oyewole five or so years earlier at NESG (Nigeria Economic Summit Group) conference at Transcorp Hotel, Abuja.

I had three copies of my book. I gave him one, and be graciously thanked me for it.

When Prof. asked me to teach internet marketing, he refused to accept a  *”No”* for an answer. I started sweating profusely.

The question I then asked Prof. was, if I design a Course, will you buy Sir?

The answer was *”Yes*”.

I didn’t know how to do online webinar using Zoom. And I didn’t know what to include in the webinar slides.

So, I enlisted the help of my friend, Bashiru Umoru, to be my devil’s advocate. Together we hammered out 80 slides in one afternoon.

The following day was the webinar.

During the webinar I declared to the participants (about 35), I will be launching an in-depth Course on *Internet Marketing*.

I was scared to ask the question, “WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN?”

Then I summoned the courage and asked.

Prof. Oyewole was the first to raise his hand. And *PAID*.

I could not believe my eyes and ears when I received a bank credit alert.

That’s how Prof. Oyewole became *iBMCer #1*

*Kingsley Theophilus* became *iBMCer #2*

*Robert Nnaji* became iBMCer #3*

The rest as they say, is history.

iBMC is now gunning to create 10 million digital marketers all over the world.

Before iBMC, I’d launched *Book Writing Clinic*. In 2015.

Three people showed up for that first Clinic. The first was *Kayode KT Ojo*

That’s how KT became *BWCer #1*.

*Udeme Etuk* became *BWCer #2*.

*Olatunde Oladiti* became *BWCer #3*.

BWC had been running mostly offline, with Clinic once per month.

In 2022 iBMCer *Binta Ibrahim* took BWC to Abuja.

Then *Pearl Kanu*, who had been indicating interest in BWC for several years made me know she had relocated to US, I decided to do *BWC VIRTUAL*, beginning 2023. Pearl became the *BWCer Virtual #1*.

Again as they say, the rest is history. BWC is now a movement to produce 10 million authors all over the world, especially in Africa.

Prior to iBMC I’d organized a seminar, *How Experts Build Empire*, on 30th March, 2019.

Over 40, attended, including 15 BWC Alumni Members: Kingsley, Joel, Igho, Lizzy, Eric, Florence, Charles, Victor, Angela, Peter, Kola, Michael, Emeka, Tunde, Olekamma, and Rosylyn.

What is interesting is this: over 70% of iBMC Members are BWC Alumni Members.

And over 90% of all BWC & iBMC Alumni Members are friends that I have known for years, some as far back as 35 years.

For instance, I first met dual Member, Robert Nnaji, and iBMC member, Bashiru Umoru, circa 1989.

We were active members of CIBN (Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria) way back in Kaduna.

I was shocked when dual member, iBMCer Salamatu, told me recently she had met me at a workshop circa 1990, at Gateway Hotel, Otta, Ogun State.

I’d met KT when he was the MD/CEO of NAHCO. I met iBMCer Femi Kalajo as a member of Toastmasters International.

I first met iBMCer Fayo Williams at LCC (Lagos Country Club) and later at LDNI (Learning & Development Network International).

FW turned out to be the most difficult person to convince to join iBMC.

Yet, a short time later, FW wrote, *“Coach Paul and the IBMC Course have changed my life, I am now a relentless advocate of building a Digital Empire!*”   Join iBMC.

I’ve already mentioned that I’d met Prof. Oyewole (iBMCer #1) five or so years before iBMC.

Meanwhile, before BWC, iBMC, I’d been a member of:

  • CIB (Chartered Institute of Banker of England & Wales)
  • CIBN (Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria
  • ICAN (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria)
  • ICFA (Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts) (USA)
  • Rotary International
  • NIM (Nigeria Institute of Management)
  • CIMC (Chartered Institute of Management Consultants)
  • ASTD (American Society for Training & Development)
  • SHRM (Society for Human Resources Management) (USA)
  • Toastmasters International

Yes, I did Masters and read MBA.

Back then I ran Workshops all over the place, and in 2010, I launched Vision & Talent Training Group.

Yes, in October 2020, shortly after I launched iBMC-2, I launched OCCCNA (Online Course Creators Community For Newbies & Advanced Beginners).

Today OCCCNA has members from all over the world. The total is 14,800 and now grows by about 50 members daily.

What do all these have to do with BWC and iBMC Alumni membership? Book a call.

A lot.

Success online and offline requires doggedness, relationship building, and having substance. Substance is important as you can’t give what you don’t have.

As a BWC and/or iBMC Alumni Member, you must have the humility to understand that you do not know enough to make you an overnight “millionaire”.

Therefore adopting a learning mindset is critical.

Without a learning mindset you’re doomed to mediocrity. This is especially true today because competition is global.

You are competing with people from all over the world and you better be an expert in something.

Welcome to a flat world where 4.5 billion people are online daily competing for limited resources like eyeballs, attention, and your wallet.

Knowledge they say is power. That is not entirely true. Knowledge is potential power.

Unless it’s unlocked, knowledge is like Nigeria with millions of barrels of crude oil but without a functioning refinery, so imports petrol.

Knowledge is cumulative; the more you learn and earn, the more it accumulates and the more you become lucky. Indeed, thanks to the internet, luck has been democratized.

If you’re not making “fast” progress, don’t despair. Remember, the race is not for the swift.

Just keep learning, for as Steve Jobs prophesied, the dots will always connect. You can only connect the dots looking backwards.

As an African proverb says, if you want to go fast, go alone, and if you want to go far, go together.

Go together. Stick together. Reach out to your *Accountability Partner* and *Accountability Group* regularly.

Keep pushing to the front.

Be a person of character. Maintain your integrity.

Be generous.

Generosity is the most important ingredient in human relations.

Be consistent. Consistency is the most vital meta-skill for online impact. When you create impact, you earn the epithet, *Influencer* or *KPI (Key Person of Influence.*

Don’t take what you are getting as a BWC & iBMC Alumni Member for granted since you can’t quantify it.

When I was starting out, I was all alone. I had no one to show me how to click a Zoom Link.

Now you have *The Coach* to guide you.

Let’s count our blessings one by one.



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