Time Management


Time Management


WINNING, in the sense I have here, is about impact – the impact you’re creating in the world – or in your own neck of the woods.

Most people equate WINNING with money – if you have lots of money, you’re a WINNER.

To these sets of people, the end justifies the means.

True, money matters, but to me money is a by-product of impact.

Create enough impact and the money will come.

So, instead of running all over the place contriving schemes on how you can make money, search the horizon to see how you can create more impact.

The people that have created the greatest impact never focused on money.
– Thomas Edison
– Alexander Fleming
– Marie Curie
– Tim Berners-Lee

Much has been written about the impact Steve Jobs – and Apple – have created.

But do you know that Jobs started by reminiscing about the impact he could create in the world?

He challenged himself and his friends to think deeply – beyond the mundane.

Jobs reminded his friends, “the food we eat, the shoe, watch, tie, etc., we wear, we never invented them.”

That’s how his famous “Leaving a dent on the universe” came about.

To leave a dent on the universe, Jobs challenged his people to ensure every product that came out of Apple “must be insanely great.”

As they say, the rest is history.

Peter Diamandis of X-Prize fame, and author of two iconic books, BOLD, and ABUNDANCE, has a popular quote:

… “If you want to become a billionaire, impact a billion people.”

If you focus on impact, with time, you will WIN.

So, never, never give up.

If you asked me, Paul, what impact are you creating?

My answer, I’m creating 10 million authors all over Africa – through BWC.

Have you written your book yet?

BWC INTENSIVE 2 kicks off on 15 February.

Don’t miss it.

Lets connect for more information



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