
Yes, I’m asking you again, do you want to become an exceptional writer? Then learn the ways of exceptional writers.

You can become an exceptional writer if you pursue writing intentionally.

If you write with intentionality you can become exceptional. It’s the law of excellence. It’s guaranteed to yield results.

Years back I read a great article from a stranger and towards the end of the article the writer declared with finality, “If you want to write and speak as well as I do, join Toastmasters International.

I later joined Toastmasters, made friends with the writer, and within a few short years, the writer penned in my book, Bridges to the Customer’s Heart, “Paul Uduk in my opinion, is one of Nigeria’s most authentic experiential writers.”

An internationally acclaimed motivational speaker who rubbed shoulders with the likes of Les Brown, this mythical man was the brain behind notable radio and TV stations across Europe and Africa.

He became my mentor and showed me beyond reasonable doubt that effective communication was the number one critical skill every leader must master.

I’ve been a student of effective communication ever since, learning the art of writing from legends like Ray Ekpu, Dan Agbese and Yakubu Mohammed.

To understand the nuances of word usage, I’ve also learned from contemporary writing teaching icons like Dr. Udeme Nana and read effective writing books by global titans like William Zinsser, William Strunk Jr., and E. B. White.

Authors Stephen King and Anne Lammott have also shined light on my writing path and I continue to learn.

*Effective Communication* positions you to win at scale. Excellent communication elevates you as a leader people listen, respond to and respect. You become trustworthy.

Effective communication is about *Speaking* (not just talking), *Writing* (not just scribbling), *Reading* (not just scanning), *Listening* (not just hearing).

Unlike speaking, writing has permanence. Once you write, you can’t un-write. You must master writing. Unless you can write with clarity, your ideas will be lost in the weeds.

When it comes to writing, you can only be reckoned with if you’re identified among the top 1% of 1% of global elite online writers like Nicolas Cole, Dan Koe, Dr. Benjamin Hardy, to mention three.

Pay attention to your writing because you have just one chance to make a first great impression. If you miss your *one chance*, readers will flee from you, never to return.

With effective writing, you will rule the world. You will elevate your speeches to the types that shake the world. You will become a true leader.

You have to start your writing journey somewhere. I invite you to begin your writing journey with *Writing Skills Mastery Course*, which I created for my students and now available to whoever wants to learn the fine art of writing great prose.

While in the course you will also learn how to write online. Writing online and amassing over 500 million views like Nicolas Cole is different from writing for an offline newspaper. It’s different from writing academic papers and dissertations.

It’s a new art form every writer aspiring to be taken seriously must learn. You’ve heard the tired mantra, unlearn, learn, and relearn. A classic cliché but worth its weight in gold.

Imagine writing a 1500-word article, uploading online, and seeing it immediately go viral, circling the globe a thousand times before breakfast, just because you took time to implement SEO (Search Engine Optimization). It’s quite possible when you write with the algorithms in mind.

I invite you to join the first cohort of the Writing Skills Mastery Course *now*. It does not matter whether you’re a beginner or veteran who has been writing for a quarter of a century.

Don’t wait, join now and begin a new journey from being a crowd-following caterpillar to an agenda-setting butterfly.

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