If You Want To Succeed Online In 2022 – Start Today


If you’ve not read Parts 1 and 2 of my Start Series join my Facebook Group: Online Creators Community for Newbies and Advanced Beginners, where you’ll see them in addition to tons of other materials.

As with anything in life, the best time to have started was 20 years ago, the next best time is now.

Bill Gates did not dilly dally when the computer revolution set in.

Jeff Bezos did not procrastinate when the internet revolution kicked in.

Mark Zuckerberg did not over analyze when the social media revolution hit.

All three jumped in with both legs because they believed in themselves and the opportunities before them.

So in winning online the first and most important requirement is your mindset.

We may not all be like Bill, Jeff or Mark, but we can always take a cue from them – develop curiosity, have an open mind, be action oriented, and be continuous learners.

My Internet Business Success FormulaTM comprises seven steps but at the centre of the formula is “YOU” and driving everything along is “Technology”, which plays an enabling role.

So if you want to succeed online in 2022 START TODAY to learn the nuts and bolts.

Draw up your roadmap to success and in the months ahead, you’ll look back and say that was the best decision I ever made.

You don’t have to do it alone; find help.

You can join my iBMCer Community where we learn day and night to figure out how to succeed online.

Click this link to join iBMCer Community so that you’re always among the first to receive my latest blog posts.

To succeed sustainably, why not join iBMC-6 by clicking this link to register.

 My annual webinar where I show people just like you how to succeed online, Let’s Crush It 2022, is billed for 8th January, at 9.30am.

The link to join the webinar is:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89603811817?pwd=ZzNsdGt4NXV1Y0liM3czb0I0eUNnZz09

Just copy the link and paste in your browser.

You can equally click this link to take you to the webinar site on the day of the webinar, which is 8th January, type in the webinar ID 896 0381 1817 and Passcode 164965 to join.


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