8 Simple Ways You Can Convert Knowledge Into Loads Of Cash Starting Now – First Overcome Fear


Make loads of cash with your God-given knowledge starting now.

But first you must overcome fear, imposter syndrome and lack of self-belief.

Inflation is not only biting harder, its literally eating Nigerians raw with prices changing by the minute and thousands of business are closing down.

I called my senior sister yesterday and she lamented that her “water” and “ice selling” business has collapsed as she can no longer afford petrol.

So, if you’re someone like me that likes to take his destiny in your own hands then consider these 8 super simple ways to inflation-proof your life starting now.

They are arranged not in any particular order so pick anyone that resonates with you and run with it.

  1. Books
  2. Courses
  3. Speaking gigs
  4. Digital products
  5. Paid newsletter
  6. Physical products
  7. Masterminds
  8. Bootcamps and workshops

Books: Surprisingly a book is the easiest product you can produce and monetize almost immediately.

If writing is not one of your top likes, engage a ghost-writer and you can get a 75-page book out within 48 hours, which you can launch in your local church.

You can also sell your book from office to office, at government ministries and to NGOs.

Courses: Irrespective of your profession: nurse, teacher, fashion designer, guitar player, or comedian: you can teach others.

What do your friends regularly complain about?

See if you can design a course around that – a nurse, for instance, can show people how to take care of the elderly.  

Speaking gigs: You don’t have to speak as a motivational speaker, start by Emceeing small local events.

Approach local schools, churches, event organizers and let them know you’re available.

But first you have to practice as this is one thing you have to do in person.

Digital products: You can sell your 75-page book both as PDF and E-book and you can sell digital courses.

Digital courses are a little complicated but with coaching or training you soon find out it’s not as difficult as people may think.

You can ask a friend to create a simple website for you for free to sell your digital products or you can sell on third-party websites like Gumroad for a little fee.

Physical products: You can sell physical products you do not own by way of drop shipping.

There are sites like Ali Express that sell astonishingly good products dirt cheap.

Exchange rate maybe an issue here but note that you’re not paying with your money so customer discovery is paramount.

Find friends who are already doing drop shipping business and join them.

Paid newsletter: If you like writing, you can produce a paid newsletter and sell on Substack.

The three top areas are Wealth, Health and Relationships.

Find a niche or super niche area within those broad topics and start writing.

People are always looking for information on how to organize their lives so if you bring rare insights into your writing, your target audience would pay you.

Masterminds: This is a way experts rub minds with other experts. A lot of people underrate what they know.

As a nurse, medical doctor, management consultant or fashion designer, you can initiate a mastermind with like-minded friends.

What are the common problems plaguing people in your profession or trade? Start there and keep expanding the issues you talk about.

Boot-camps and workshops: You can organize a boot-camp and dive deep into a single topic (like getting good schools for autistic kids).

With workshop you show people how to master broader skills like time management, sustainability, or green energy.

If you can enlist the support or backing of interested organizations and the well-placed ahead of your event, you’ll brace the tape in style

Conclusion: Obviously I have oversimplified a lot of things but thing should not be overcomplicated.

Your success will depend on how creative, bold and consistent you are.

It will also require thinking outside the box and seeking the help of others.

Choose one idea, ask yourself, who or which organization can help me pull this off?

Then approach the person or organization.

You can never know what will work until you try, so go ahead and try.


Creator iSchool

Creator OCCCNA (9,000+ members)

PS: I go deep on these topics in my Book Writing Clinic & Internet Business Mastery Course (iBMC)

PSS: We are registering candidates in iBMC-9; if you’re interested, here is the link to jump in:  https://bit.ly/iBMC2023

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